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by PayPay Corporation

Convenient and beneficial mobile payment app

Android Android 5.0Apps
( 649 ratings )
Price: $0
Name PayPay-ペイペイ
Publisher PayPay Corporation
Genre Apps
Update Feb 13, 2024
PayPay-ペイペイ is the most famous version in the PayPay-ペイペイ series of publisher PayPay Corporation
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PayPay is a popular mobile payment app that streamlines financial transactions through smartphones. Leveraging QR codes, it enables cashless payments across a diverse range of outlets, from retail stores to restaurants, pushing Japan’s cash-reliant economy towards digital transformation.

Known for its user-friendly interface and regular promotions, PayPay has emerged as a leading payment solution in Japan, appealing to a wide audience by making digital transactions both accessible and rewarding.

◆PayPay’s registered user count has impressively surged to 62 million! We are Japan!

PayPay transforms your smartphone into a convenient payment tool, simplifying transactions to a touch. With a setup process that takes just a minute, you can start paying immediately. The app offers multiple funding options, including direct bank transfers, cash reloads at Seven Bank ATMs, credit card debits, and integration with Softbank’s bulk payment system, My Softbank. This flexibility ensures PayPay caters to a wide range of financial preferences and needs.

How to use the app

To make a payment at a store displaying the PayPay logo, simply inform the staff you’ll be using PayPay. For transactions using a QR code, open the PayPay app, scan the code displayed at the store, input the amount due, and upon staff verification, your payment processes seamlessly. Alternatively, if the store supports barcode payments, present the barcode within your PayPay app to the staff, who will scan it to finalize your purchase. This streamlined approach ensures a swift and secure checkout experience.

Advantages of Using PayPay

It encompasses the ease and efficiency of completing transactions directly from your smartphone. Eliminating the need for physical change, PayPay lets you track your expenditures through a detailed spending history. Furthermore, payments are made effortlessly and instantly using just your smartphone, streamlining the entire process for a hassle-free transaction experience.

Where can be PayPay used?
The selection of participating retailers continues to grow! For an up-to-date list of all the places where you can use the service, beyond those already mentioned, simply refer to the app. However, please note that availability may vary by location, so it’s recommended to verify with individual stores directly for the most accurate information.

PayPay is accepted across a wide variety of establishments in Japan, including major convenience stores like Seven-Eleven and Lawson, supermarkets such as Ito-Yokado and Seiyu, and popular restaurants including Yoshinoya and Sukiya. It’s also usable for home delivery services like Uber Eats, drug stores like Welcia and Matsumoto Kiyoshi, shopping and leisure spots including UNIQLO and Big Echo karaoke, home appliance retailers such as Bic Camera and Yamada Denki, and many others. This broad acceptance makes PayPay a versatile payment option throughout Japan.

We've made UI improvements and fixed bugs and errors. We are constantly improving our app. To access all features, please update regularly.


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